Welcome To
General Federation Women's Clubs of South Carolina
A Proud Member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs

A Proud Member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs
The recent devastation caused by Hurricane Helene is unimaginable and our hearts go out to all of those affected. The GFWC-SC Disaster Relief Committee wants to help our GFWC sisters. We also want to help our neighbors in NC and SC.
Do you know of any clubwomen in SC who have been directly affected by Helene? If so, please send their information to Kaye Jones, Disaster Committee Chair at clemsongirlkaye@aol.com.
Are you looking for a place to make a donation to go to help out and not sure what to do? One option is to send a donation (club or personal level) to the Disaster Relief Fund so that we can distribute as much as possible to those affected by this tragedy from this fund. Please mail your checks earmarked for the Disaster Relief Fund to Mendy Haver, GFWC-SC Treasurer at 334 Neely Crossing Lane, Simpsonville, SC 29680
Please contact Kaye Jones if you have any questions.
The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of South Carolina (GFWC-SC) is comprised of more than 1,115 members in 45 clubs. Our volunteer service is focused on seven community service and special programs: Arts and Cultural, Environment, Education and Libraries, Health and Wellness, Civic Engagement and Outreach, Signature Program – Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention, Junior Special Project - Advocates for Children. Collectively, we are Lighting the Way. In 2019, GFWC-SC reported 1,291 projects with 72,421 volunteer hours spent to raise $344,011 and donate in dollars $251,159 and in kind $192,975.
The theme for this administration is
Be Someone's Sunshine
Be the Spark!
2024 - 2026 GFWC-SC Juniors
Woman's Club of Cayce Clubhouse
Hilton Garden Inn - Rock Hill
Room Reservation: DIRECT LINK: https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/deeplink/?ctyhocn=RKHRHGI&groupCode=900&arrivaldate=2025-04-24&de...
Hilton Garden Inn - Rock Hill